I am the Internet magician. Everything herein is the result of my on-going, and fluctuating moodswings. In other words, it is a place for my emotional rollercoaster rides. If something doesn't go right, then I start to feel very uncomfortable. I start getting very upset. I do not have one single friend, as society has always done the dirty on me. I lose concentration and trust in society very easily. I can wave a magic wand, and things here can either appear, or disappear. Some of you will have already experienced, and noticed that. It's a bit like the Steve Miller Band song, Abracadabra...I Want To Reach Out And Grab Ya. But whenever I try to chat people up, it seems to just fall apart at very first touch. I don't think a lot of people understand me. I do not have much confidence in the world right now. That is because everything is all messed up. People are far too messed up.


Thursday 30 September 2010

Tories Ruining Great Britain

Tories have been ruining Great Britain, since the days of Margret Thatcher.  We have the same boring old farts in power.  What we could do with is a few Black people in power.  At least they'd know how to create job prospects, for white and black people.

I read an advert on Socialist Worker Online.  And this is what it said, Tory Cuts Wreck Lives.  It isn't just the white people that are suffering.  Black people are also being unfairly treated by the system too.  I think that would look great on a t-shirt.  The slogan, Tory Cuts Wreck Lives. 

Another situation that is causing massive unemployment, is too many costly adverts on tv.  Someone is definitely charging far too much, for their products.  Why take out home insurance, if you never need it?  And the adverts tell you that if you do not claim, then it remains free.  In that case, you're just giving them money for nothing. 

Come on Black and White Britain!  We are much stronger together, as one big nation against the government.  We need to bring the whole system down to its knees.  The tories promised us all that they wouldn't cut frontline services.  Black and White people all rely on these important facilities.  Many Asians and Muslims also rely on the needs of these services too.

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