I am the Internet magician. Everything herein is the result of my on-going, and fluctuating moodswings. In other words, it is a place for my emotional rollercoaster rides. If something doesn't go right, then I start to feel very uncomfortable. I start getting very upset. I do not have one single friend, as society has always done the dirty on me. I lose concentration and trust in society very easily. I can wave a magic wand, and things here can either appear, or disappear. Some of you will have already experienced, and noticed that. It's a bit like the Steve Miller Band song, Abracadabra...I Want To Reach Out And Grab Ya. But whenever I try to chat people up, it seems to just fall apart at very first touch. I don't think a lot of people understand me. I do not have much confidence in the world right now. That is because everything is all messed up. People are far too messed up.


Wednesday 6 October 2010

Double Situations

People with Asperger's Syndrome are often preo...Image via Wikipedia
A situation is made even worse.  This is because neurotypicals do not understand, those with Asperger's.  Most of the time we are alone, not because of our own choice.  Society doesn't know how to approach us properly.  There is a lot of Elusive Campaigning going on, where neurotypicals are unconcerned about our emotional states.  Yes, my friends.  People with Asperger's do have feelings.  But we do not express these feelings very well.

There is always somebody hiding behind the curtain.  They are always trying to decieve Aspies, by secretly making us do their will, and not our own.  It's like putting a gun to the head of an Aspie, and asking him/her to pull the trigger.  The socially accepted masses, do not want us to catch them out.  Even the newer people of today, are still somehow connected to the past tense ghosts of yesterday.

It is not paranoia we suffer.  Most Aspies have an average to above average intelligence.  In other words, we know the difference between right and wrong.  And this is expressed by our deep singular talents.  We have many obsessive traits, that enable us as individuals, to have an upper-edge over society.  We are not snobs, just because we do not join in with society's everyday frollics.  If I find some new talent that only I know about.  You can bet your life that neurotypicals soon start copying, our individual newfound obsessions.

It is some kind of Freakshow that we are forced to watch everyday.  If I start listening to Duran Duran, and no-one else listens to them around here.  You can bet your last dollar, that everybody else will soon claim they now like Duran Duran.  I've never been able to understand why society constantly do this.  Maybe they have some kind of Inferiority Complex disorder.  Mary had a little lamb, and everything she did, it also copied her as well.  Many times I have walked into a supermarket, and behold, they approach by saying they also love what you're buying.  But somehow, they do not buy what you are buying.  Neurotypical people are so difficult to decifer.

By the way.  Those that have Asperger's syndrome can feel high rates of emotion.  We are just socially blunted, and find it difficult 2 hold down day 2 day jobs, as well as friendships/relationships etc.  Yet we can have relationships etc.  We shouldn't have 2 do without love, or that dreaded thing...SEX.  We are unique in what we say and do.  We are unique in characteristics, and emotions/feelings.

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