I am the Internet magician. Everything herein is the result of my on-going, and fluctuating moodswings. In other words, it is a place for my emotional rollercoaster rides. If something doesn't go right, then I start to feel very uncomfortable. I start getting very upset. I do not have one single friend, as society has always done the dirty on me. I lose concentration and trust in society very easily. I can wave a magic wand, and things here can either appear, or disappear. Some of you will have already experienced, and noticed that. It's a bit like the Steve Miller Band song, Abracadabra...I Want To Reach Out And Grab Ya. But whenever I try to chat people up, it seems to just fall apart at very first touch. I don't think a lot of people understand me. I do not have much confidence in the world right now. That is because everything is all messed up. People are far too messed up.


Tuesday 12 October 2010

No Politician Is A Decent Politician

Money (reais)Image via Wikipedia
There is no Politician that is decent and respectful.  They are all rogues out to steal back our money.  The poor always stay poorer than before.  And the super-rich make their money from greed.  The super-rich do no good for anyone.  We are right back to where we started out from.  The Tories have been in power for many years now, but most of us have been blind to their silly scams.  They are like leeches that suck on blood.  They are like vampires that drain victims.

The super-wealthy are the anti-social scum.  They treat the poor with little respect.  I have an aunty that is greedy for money.  She can't get enough of it.  Since I was a little child, I've seen her walk over others.  She abuses the rights of others too.  She needs money as she is very lonely and isolated.  She is always miserable.  Do not trust these people, as they will always let you down.  She has also put lots of her money into off-shore banking, so that she doesn't have to pay tax. 

You also find that the super-wealthy are control freaks.  They always want to be on top.  They've got to be topdog all of the time.  If you and I don't obey their systems of manipulation, we are soon humiliated in front of others.  I have experienced this on a number of occasions.  My aunty once told my sister and I off, for dressing in black, and going to a cemetery.  People often do wear black when they go to a cemetery.  But because this clashed with her black car, and her wanting her own way at a funeral, she had to have a tantrum, just like a spoilt child.  This is what you can often get when dealing with super-snobs.  Everybody else is wrong, except them.

You are learning a lot from me.  Whoever reads this blog is learning about life, and all its ups and downs.  They say...Life is like a rollercoaster ride.  And I agree.  There is no time for fun, because we are constantly having to deal with the selfishness of others.

Mark Parry  aka  ASTRAL-EBONY 2010.
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