I am the Internet magician. Everything herein is the result of my on-going, and fluctuating moodswings. In other words, it is a place for my emotional rollercoaster rides. If something doesn't go right, then I start to feel very uncomfortable. I start getting very upset. I do not have one single friend, as society has always done the dirty on me. I lose concentration and trust in society very easily. I can wave a magic wand, and things here can either appear, or disappear. Some of you will have already experienced, and noticed that. It's a bit like the Steve Miller Band song, Abracadabra...I Want To Reach Out And Grab Ya. But whenever I try to chat people up, it seems to just fall apart at very first touch. I don't think a lot of people understand me. I do not have much confidence in the world right now. That is because everything is all messed up. People are far too messed up.


Sunday 3 October 2010

UK Systems A Compleat Farce

Scales of JusticeImage by Citizensheep via Flickr
The British government, The Police, Teachers and Social Services, and the NHS are all liars.  Their systems of continuous promises are a farce.  They all have an attitude problem.  Even criminals and yobs all have an attitude problem.  They're all out to corrupt the disabled, and true outsiders with their neurotypical bullshit.  But these same people never look at their own mistakes. 

Many times my sister and I have encountered the ignorance, of Oswestry-folk.  These same old boring people love to criticise us.  Many times they have said to us, "You 've got the problem", or "It's all your fault".  It's never their problem.  The way disabled people get treated now is absolutely disgusting.  If disabled people take the law into their own hands, then the courts don't look at why they took the law into their own hands, in the first place.  The disabled are made to accept their disability, but then punnished for having a disability.

I see injustices towards the disabled all the time.  I even see cruelty done towards black people.  It is wrong in the eyes of the angels of justice.  On the roof of The Royal Courts Of Justice, there is an image of an upward sword, and scales.  This means truth and justice for all.  And that means disabled people too.  So why are the disabled being poorly treated today?  David Cameron and Nick Clegg both promised us a better Great Britain.  They have both lied in order to get a free passport into power.  Now they are out to undermine our Great British laws, and rights system.  Do not trust these two anti-christs.  They will only ruin our country even more. 
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