I am the Internet magician. Everything herein is the result of my on-going, and fluctuating moodswings. In other words, it is a place for my emotional rollercoaster rides. If something doesn't go right, then I start to feel very uncomfortable. I start getting very upset. I do not have one single friend, as society has always done the dirty on me. I lose concentration and trust in society very easily. I can wave a magic wand, and things here can either appear, or disappear. Some of you will have already experienced, and noticed that. It's a bit like the Steve Miller Band song, Abracadabra...I Want To Reach Out And Grab Ya. But whenever I try to chat people up, it seems to just fall apart at very first touch. I don't think a lot of people understand me. I do not have much confidence in the world right now. That is because everything is all messed up. People are far too messed up.


Thursday 14 October 2010

Why Be Ashamed Of Being Disabled?

This is the internationally recognized symbol ...Image via Wikipedia
Why should disabled people be ashamed of being disabled?  I am going to have some photos on this site soon.  They are going to be photos of me in a wheelchair.  I want to do this to show how others do not recognise my disability.  This is the public sign around towns.  But this sign doesn't mean anything in Oswestry.  Yesterday, I spotted a girl in a wheelchair trying to get into a toilet for disabled people.  She didn't have a special key to open the toilet door either.  A lot of these up-to-date disabled toilets aren't up to much either.  This must be so distressing for a disabled person, in a wheelchair.

The reason why so many people have health problems today, is because they are either not listened to correctly.  Or they are treated badly by the money scroungers.  I do not like the concept of charities at all.  Charities only exist in order to make a few extra millionaires.  The rest can go to hell, as far as they're concerned.  Plus, there is so much paperwork now, where you need to fill out this and that form.  Next, you'll need to fill in a form, in order to proove that you have skin, like everybody else does. 

Even The NHS push those with Mental Health complications, out of the services.  They place us back into isolation tanks, so they can save an extra few pounds.  This money is then wasted on leaving street-lights on all day.  Yes, they do want to switch off the street-lights at night.  But this is because they want people to see better during the day, and not the night.  I'm not surprised at all that The NHS staff are stretched.  Most of them leave The NHS, and never want to return again.  They are treated badly by the bosses upstairs, in their big snobby suits, and fatcat ways. 

Asperger's is where Fantasy and Reality become blurred.  We become muddled up, because society doesn't want to understand us.  Why be ashamed of being disabled?  I think you know the answer to this already.  We are encouraged onto Benefits by the government, and then humiliated into seeking employment, when there is no employment about. 

Mark Parry aka ASTRAL-EBONY.
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